
Transforming ideas into reality.

1. World's best practice standards

Innovation means different things to different people. Standards provide a unified language, consistency and confidence when making decisions relating to innovation, investing in innovation and assessing performance. We represent Australia on the international development team of the Standards. Impact Innovation’s Managing Partner, Brian Ruddle, is the Chair of the Innovation Management Standards Committee for Standards Australia.

Everything we do is underpinned by ISO 56002 Innovation Management System Standards – a world’s best practice framework for innovation.


2. A systems approach

A systems approach brings together all of the interrelated and interconnecting parts within an organisation to achieve results. It helps to break down silos, encourages diversity of thought and collaboration, and enables us to take a whole of organisation view of innovation and commercialisation rather than view it in isolation. Without a systems approach for innovation and commercialisation organisations often miss critical building blocks required to deliver value and a return on investment.

We have used a systems approach for over 10 years and the ISO 56002 Innovation Management Systems Standards does as well – because it works.

Rather than analyse and diagnose things in isolation, we take in the whole system.


3. Action

Action is our middle name! (We mean this quite literally – check out our logo!) At Impact Innovation, action comes in many forms including:

Decision-making support: One of the biggest challenges in innovation and commercialisation is decision making in a state of high uncertainty. Making decisions with limited factual information is difficult. It’s one of the top reasons why innovation initiatives stall or fail! Impact Innovation has created decision support tools to assist innovation, R&D and commercialisation managers to make better decisions. These award-winning tools help our clients make better decisions about their innovation and commercialisation programs as well as individual projects.

Award-winning tools: Impact Innovation has developed a suite of award-winning tools to help organisations implement the best course of action. Innovation Navigator® is a tool that benchmarks organisations against ISO 56002 Innovation Management System Standards. Commercialisation Navigator® aids decision-makers within the innovation process to validate assumptions to support deployment of innovative new products, services or research. IC Readiness™ supports portfolio management. Commercialisation Navigator® has recently won a Good Design Award for Design Excellence and a Business Transformation Award at the 2022 Australia Business Awards.

Action roadmaps: Rather than a series of reports and strategy documents that gather dust, Impact Innovation breaks down projects into prioritised actions that can be implemented to achieve desired results within a specified timeframe, and with available resources. Impact takes action – and our action roadmaps are the fuel organisations need to get stuff done and see results.

Impact takes action. And action is at the heart of what we do.


4. Our Impact Framework™

Poorly designed projects may deliver outputs but they rarely deliver outcomes. So what does poor design look like? It is a strategy document that sits on a shelf? ‘Feel good’ training that nevers gets used? Recommendations that never get implemented? Value that is never achieved?

Exceptional design on the other hand focusses on things such as understanding value, organisational context, capabilities, available resources, who will take carriage every stage of implementation and how they will do this.

Our Impact Framework™ is a proven, consistent process that puts sustained client outcomes at the core of project design and delivery. It is a disciplined yet tailored approach to how we work with clients that ensures you benefit from project activities and solutions that deliver impact now and long after we finish.

The Impact Framework™ helps clients move from good outputs to exceptional, long-term outcomes.


5. Return on Investment

Without a return on investment (ROI) there is no point having an innovation or commercialisation program.

ROI includes both qualitative and quantitative measures of value. The definition of value is unique for every organisation and this is why it is a critical measure when allocating resources to innovation and commercialisation activities.

All Impact Innovation projects identify target ROI criteria before they commence, and our teams are laser focussed on meeting and exceeding these targets. Being clear on the measure of value helps our clients manage expectations and engagement with internal and external stakeholders.

We see our job as maximising the value that our clients get from their innovation and commercialisation investment. Delivering ROI for our clients is at the core of what we do.