Partnering with Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs)
Win the funding your research deserves and amplify its impact.
We’re the people you need when you’re trying to please everyone.
You have a lot to juggle: governance, systems and processes, budgets, team attraction, stakeholder management, reporting requirements, and of course the reason you’re really here – to deliver excellent research that benefits industry and rend users. It’s easier with a trusted team by your side. We provide specialist support to CRC bid groups and established CRCs to give your collaborative research efforts the best chance of going on to solve the future’s most critical challenges.
Tailored strategy, support and solutions for research that matters.
We can support you at every stage of the CRC lifecycle: from bid strategy and industry engagement through to program design and capacity building. We draw on our deep understanding of the research and innovation environment, in all its complexities, to tailor solutions that meet your specific needs. It’s why Australia’s leading CRCs turn to us.
More bang for your research buck.
Australian research is world-class, but too often that’s where it stops: important research fails to be adopted. What’s missing is that critical link between research and funding – and that’s where we come in. We’ve helped emerging and established CRCs like yours deliver maximum value for funders, stakeholders and society.
CRC Bidding Services
Winning bids start here. We have a tried-and-tested strategic approach to bid design, including an Impact Tool we developed specifically for CRC bid applications. This results in competitive bids that clearly demonstrate how impact will be achieved. We can take full responsibility for the entire bidding process including strategic, operational and administrative elements. Or engage us for strategic pieces of work that will strengthen your bid, or help you win funding after an unsuccessful first attempt.
CRC First 150 Days Program
You’ve won your CRC bid… now what? If you want to be successful, the first 150 days are critical. Throughout the bidding process the focus is on strategy, but when it’s time to operationalise there often aren’t resources to put that strategy into place. This program was designed to help you start strong, based on our team’s decades of experience establishing research centres and new ventures. We’ll help you build your systems and get early runs on the board so you can hand over a high-functioning centre to those who take the reins beyond the first 150 days.
Industry Partnerships
There’s a wide world of potential partners out there. But which partnerships will ensure your research achieves the highest value and impact? We help CRCs identify and broker mutually-beneficial industry partnerships in the bidding, establishment and operational phases. You’ll have the right backing, at the right time, from people who share your goals.
Centre Strategy & Operations Design
To get optimum value from your research you need an R&D and innovation strategy that makes your effort more effective. And a centre operations roadmap that engages all stakeholders and guides your pathway to impact. Together we’ll co-design a system underpinned by the world’s best practice ISO innovation standards, so you have the best strategy to do your best work.
R&D Project Design
You’re at the R&D design stage, and you want to do it ‘right’. The truth is there’s no single ‘right’ way to do innovation, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. So our approach starts with understanding you, your environment and what you need to achieve. Then we bring in the specialist expertise to design a project that delivers short, medium and long term value to industry partners.
Impact R&D Implementation
You don’t want your research to sit on a shelf and gather dust. We make sure your commercial partners, industry partners and funding providers have the information they need to turn your research into reality. We investigate market, supply chain and financial considerations, then design high impact R&D projects that are ready for the next investor. Your work will gather momentum, not dust.
R&D and Innovation Decision Support
R&D and innovation is all about decisions, and we’re known for our exceptional decision-making support. Our award-winning tools help you make tough decisions with confidence and clarity - like whether to push ahead with an idea or call it quits and move on. We optimise your processes so you can make informed, confident decisions at all stages of the R&D process, from stage-gate design to our award-winning Impact and Commercialisation (IC Readiness®) program.
Team Skills Development
Innovation is powered by people, and we’re here to bring out the best in yours! With over 40 R&D and innovation management modules, we design custom training solutions to meet your needs. Our experts in adult learning ensure every training experience is effective and engaging, and because we’re involved in international working groups on R&D and innovation standards, our training reflects global best practice. To maximise the value of your training we also offer mentoring support to help your team put their new knowledge into action.
Want to see the results? We’ll let our CRC clients tell you all about it.