
Transforming ideas into reality.

Partnering with Government

Drive more value from your R&D investment.

Invest in the right research, for the strongest results.

Investing in R&D and innovation is the easy part. It’s turning that investment into robust outcomes that can bring projects unstuck. So how do you decide which ideas to back? What does best-practice strategy and design look like? And how will you ensure your investment delivers bang for buck?

Unlock the full potential of your research.

We help you drive greater value at every stage of your innovation initiative: with experienced R&D management professionals and proven tools to help you design, kickstart, manage or evaluate your programs. You’ll make every move with confidence because you’ll know what’s delivering value – and what’s not.

You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. Innovation Navigator® is a simple, structured approach that delivers better performance and greater clarity from your innovation activity - underpinned by global ISO innovation standards. It’s a tailored and flexible program to overcome your biggest barriers and most pressing pains when it comes to innovation. And it’s underpinned by ISO 56002 Innovation Management System Standards so you know you’re taking a global best practice approach.

To get optimum value from your research you need an R&D and innovation strategy that makes your effort more effective. Together we’ll co-design a strategy underpinned by the world’s best practice ISO innovation standards, so you have the best strategy to do your best work.

You’re at the design stage, and you want to do it ‘right’. The truth is there’s no single ‘right’ way to do innovation, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. So our approach starts with understanding you, your environment and what you need to achieve. Then we bring in the specialist expertise to design a program that delivers short term value and long term impact.

The right approach to stakeholder engagement can be a game-changer for your project. When you connect effectively you gain unique insights that lead to better-designed programs and projects. We’re skilled at engaging diverse stakeholder groups, making sure they feel valued and heard. This gives you a deeper understanding of what’s on the mind of your customers and stakeholders so you can use their feedback to drive stronger outcomes.

It's hard to know where you're going if you don't know where you are. Our Impact Plus® and Innovation Navigator® programs are designed to get you and your teams back on track for bigger impact. We bring a whole organisation, division or team together with R&D and innovation at the centre so you can strengthen strategy, optimise organisational performance and kick some goals!

R&D and innovation is all about decisions, and we’re known for our exceptional decision-making support. Our award-winning tools help you make tough decisions with confidence and clarity - like whether to push ahead with an idea or call it quits and move on. We optimise your processes so you can make informed, confident decisions at all stages of the R&D process, from stage-gate design to our award-winning Impact and Commercialisation (IC Readiness®) program.

Need a fresh perspective or extra pair of expert hands to help you tackle a strategic project, industry challenge or out-of-the-box initiative? Our team brings unmatched technical and industry experience across a diverse range of sectors - from agriculture to aquaculture and fisheries, biotechnology to environment, manufacturing to water. We’ve seen what works (and what doesn’t) so we can give your project a head start and coach you to the finish line.

Innovation is powered by people, and we’re here to bring out the best in yours! With over 40 R&D and innovation management modules, we design custom training solutions to meet your needs. Our experts in adult learning ensure every training experience is effective and engaging, and because we’re involved in international working groups on R&D and innovation standards, our training reflects global best practice. To maximise the value of your training we also offer mentoring support to help your team put their new knowledge into action.

Government agencies we partner with

TIQ Logo
Mainroads Wa
Aust Dept Industry Innovation And Science Logo

Let's work together