Female Startup Founders Propelled to Soar
Posted 6 years ago
Queensland’s entrepreneurial women are set to benefit from new opportunities to grow their startup enterprises, with the delivery of the first collaboration events for a Female Founders program, coordinated by Impact Innovation Group and supported through the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland initiative.
Innovation Minister Kate Jones said providing the right opportunities for women to upskill was key to increasing the number of female-led startups across the state.
“Through programs like the Female Founders Program, we can provide the support and tools for women to help them overcome the challenges of building up a scalable business,” Ms Jones said.
“In conjunction with a government that is focussed on fostering innovation, creating growth for the future and a supportive framework, female startups are well positioned to take their business to the next level.”
Impact Innovation’s Female Founders Program Manager, Kellie Dyer, said a collaborative approach will drive the initiative’s success.
“Impact Innovation Group is proud to be working with Advisory Board Centre, who is also a delivery partner for the Female Founders program, said Ms Dyer.
“Last year’s Startup Muster survey, which provides a comprehensive snapshot of Australia’s startup ecosystem, revealed that only 22.3% of founders are women.
“We’re determined to raise the confidence of Queensland’s female founders to pursue the investment opportunities and global markets that open up when their startup ventures have robust strategies and experienced advisors supporting them,” she said.
“It’s important that the women working on Queensland-based startups have a say in what the program delivers, if the goal of increasing female participation rates and improving their business skills is to be achieved,” Ms Dyer said.
In supporting the collaborative approach of this program, a PropelHer workshop was held in late May 2019, attended by a representative group of South East Queensland founders, and their regional colleagues via Zoom. During the workshop Female Founders shared ideas on topics they want to know more about. Their input will enhance four key program elements:
- Personalised Pathways for charting a course of actions based on each founder’s aspirations
- Learning Links for sourcing educational and motivational content
- Mentor Match to connect with the right advice and support at different stages
- PropelHer Events and BoostHer Webinars to meet and learn from industry experts and other founders
“There will be events across Queensland with online and technology-enabled options to support the many inspirational female founders who are not based in Brisbane,” said Ms Dyer.
“We will work with program participants to ensure we can connect with them regardless of their location.”
A free BoostHer webinar to introduce the program is scheduled for noon on Monday 24 June (register here).
Queensland startups with women at the helm who would like to learn more about the Female Founders Program activities that Impact Innovation is coordinating are encouraged to visit https://impactinnovation.com/female-founders.
Media enquiries:
Leanne Wyvill tel. 0439 534 355 or email l.wyvill@impactinnovation.com
Kellie Dyer tel. +61 7 3041 1128 or email k.dyer@impactinnovation.com
About the Female Founders Program
The Advance Queensland Female Founders Program is designed to assist female founders at different stages of the entrepreneurial lifecycle. The program focuses on increasing the participation rates and business skills of female founders in Queensland, along with providing support to female founders who are in the growth phase and need assistance to take their business to the next level.
As a delivery partner, Impact Innovation provides mentoring, support, training and motivation to give female startup founders access to expert and tailored advice for advancing their entrepreneurial futures. This includes facilitating connections to services, programs and other entrepreneurs who can help them develop the skills, knowledge and networks to grow their businesses.